Religious Education
Religious Education is the first of nine learning areas in the curriculum of Catholic schools in Western Australia and plays a pivotal role in shaping the holistic development of students.
It aims to enliven students with knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith and Gospel, as it is handed on by the Catholic Church. The key objects of Religious Education are:
- Knowledge and understanding: It aims to equip students with a foundation in Catholic faith and teachings. Through scripture, tradition and contemporary issues, students gain and understanding of the Catholic faith.
- Personal development: It helps students uncover their unique gifts and talents. Recognising that each life has inherent worth and dignity and imbued with meaning, students are empowered to appreciate the significance of their lives, grounded in the belief that they are created in the image and likeness of God.
- Encounter with Jesus: It facilitates students encounter with Christ. Through the study of scripture and participation in liturgies, students are invited to deepen their relationship with Jesus, perceiving Him not only as a historical figure but also as a friend, brother, and Saviour.
Students are not assessed in their faith, but are given opportunities to develop and express their faith through liturgies, Mass, prayer, retreats and community service.