Pastoral Care

Parents are the first educators of their children, therefore, our students are supported by a strong parent/school partnership where parents monitor their child’s progress, with on-going communication from staff.

Our Pastoral Care Program caters for the developmental needs of our students at different stages of their adolescent years, enabling them to grow and mature with confidence. It is integral to the forming of the whole person.

The pastoral care of our students is the responsibility of all staff at the College, however, some play a more specific role within our Pastoral Care Program. Our Pastoral Care Team meets regularly to discuss students’ needs, College practices and policies, and events, and includes:

  • Principal
  • Deputy Principals
  • Heads of House
  • Head of Year 7
  • College Counsellor
  • College Psychologist

College policies and practices, and our Student Code of Conduct ensure that all students can develop and learn in a safe and caring environment.

House System

Our House System is a strong support feature for parents and students. As part of our Pastoral Care Program, the House System is based on vertical Homerooms within a House structure. This means each Homeroom consists of approximately 28 students from Years 7 to 12. There are seven Homerooms in each House and it is envisaged that the Homeroom Teachers will remain with the Homeroom from one year to the next, allowing them to oversee the students’ progress over their six years at the College.

The Homeroom Teacher is the first person in the pastoral care network and is responsible for the pastoral care of the students in their Homeroom. They are the first contact for these students and foster a sense of belonging within their Homerooms. The Homeroom Teacher works in close consultation with the Head of House, Head of Year 7 and students’ subject teachers.

The 35 Homerooms are organised in five Houses, each with an appointed Head of House who is responsible for student welfare and progress.

Counselling and Psychology Services


The College Counsellor, Kristin Chan, is responsible for the planning and conduct of those aspects of pastoral care which meet the personal needs of individual students and their families.

The Counsellor offers a confidential service and is able to facilitate referral to agencies within the wider community if necessary.


The College Psychologist, David Yeoh, is available to help service the College community by providing educational assessments for learning difficulties, special education or gifted children. These assessments assist teachers and parents to identify and clarify a student’s level of learning so as to provide for students’ individual learning needs. The College Psychologist also provides strategies to help teachers and parents implement best practice in learning, educational and behavioural concerns of students.

The Psychologist offers a confidential service and is able to facilitate referral to agencies within the wider community if necessary.

Career Counsellors

Career planning is one of the most important processes that young people undertake. With the many options available today, it can also be quite stressful. St Norbert College aims to enhance this experience by supporting students through the different stages of career exploration and planning.

Our Head of Careers and Transitions, Karen Gonsalves, co-ordinates the curriculum offering whilst the Director of VET, Monica Stirling, co-ordinates all of the Vocational and Training programs.

For more information, visit Career Education or the St Norbert College Careers website.

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