Specialised Football Program

Since its establishment in 2022, our Specialised Football Program has enabled participating students to pursue excellence in the sport. It extends beyond the traditional scope of sports education, fostering the development of physical abilities, fitness, teamwork and interpersonal skills, as well as an understanding of sports officiating and coaching.

Each year, our Specialised Football Program students represent the College in School Sport WA (SSWA) and Associated and Catholic Colleges (ACC) competitions.

Applications are currently closed for our Specialised Basketball Program. For more information, please contact our Specialised Football Co-ordinator.

Selection Criteria

The Specialised Football Program caters for St Norbert College students only. Selection is based on both academic and physical skill levels, with school reports and a reference from a club football coach required.

Successful applicants will be required to meet the following expectations:

  • Maintain and excellent attendance and behaviour record
  • Display a positive attitude towards the College ethos
  • Participate consistently and to the best of their ability whilst in the program
  • Maintain a positive attitude towards their academic studies
  • Participate in College sporting activities other than football

Fees and Costs

Students are required to wear the following for all training sessions or classes:

  • Nike Playing Shirt ($60)
  • Nike Playing Shorts ($23)
  • White College Sports Socks ($10)

These are ordered through the Uniform Shop. An order form will be sent out with acceptance into the Specialised Football Program.

For more information about the Blessed Emily Podoska Football Scholarship, visit Scholarships.

Program Structure

Year 7

Students in the Specialised Football Program will have before school training sessions in Semester Two. These sessions will be an introduction to the football philosophy of the College.

Year 8

Students select the subject Specialised Football as an elective in both Semester One and Two. They receive two hours instruction per week during class time, with tactical and technical skills the focus. The formation is introduced and analysed in both theory and practical settings. Students will participate in a Sports Taping Course facilitated by Sports Medicine Australia outlining common injuries in the sport and the best course for support and prevention.

Year 9

Students select the subject Specialised Football as an elective in both Semester One and Two. They receive two hours instruction per week during class time. Tactical and technical skills will continue to be developed with strength and conditioning programs being introduced. Students participate in the Laws of the Game Certificate facilitated by Football West. This Certificate assists students in the process of becoming a qualified Referee.

Year 10

Students select the subject Specialised Football as an elective in both Semester One and Two. They receive two hours instruction per week during class time. Tactical and technical skills will continue to be developed and analysing football problems being introduced. Students will receive a Level 4 Referee qualification, allowing students to become a Referee or Linesman for Football West. Students will also participate in a statistical analysis theoretical unit.


Specialised Football Program Co-ordinator: Jacob Aquino

Qualifications and experience:

  • Sports Science and Football Degree
  • Skill Acquisition Phase Certificate
  • Play 4 Life Director of Coaching
  • 25+ years playing experience
  • NPLWA/Premier Division
  • Division 1 State League Title
  • Division 1 U/18 State League Title

Development Officer: Rama Kabwe

Qualifications and experience:

  • C Class License (Football West)
  • Game Training Certificate
  • Junior NPL Coach (Current)
  • 15+ years playing experience
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