Specialised Basketball Program

Since its establishment in 2006, our Specialised Basketball Program has enabled participating students to pursue excellence in the sport. It extends beyond the traditional scope of sports education, fostering the development of physical abilities, fitness, teamwork and interpersonal skills, as well as an understanding of sports officiating and coaching.

Each year, our Specialised Basketball Program students represent the College in School Sport WA (SSWA) and Associated and Catholic Colleges (ACC) competitions. Participating students are encouraged to nominate for Western Australian Basketball League (WABL) programs at their nominated association. Players continued development through club and association basketball competitions is also expected.

Applications are currently closed for our Specialised Basketball Program. For more information, please contact our Specialised Basketball Co-ordinator or Director of Sport.

Selection Criteria

While the Specialised Basketball Program caters for students enrolled at St Norbert College, the College welcomes applicants from students at other schools. Selection is based on both academic and physical skill levels, with school reports and a reference from a club basketball coach required.

Successful applicants will be required to meet the following expectations:

  • Maintain and excellent attendance and behaviour record
  • Display a positive attitude towards the College ethos
  • Participate consistently and to the best of their ability whilst in the program
  • Maintain a positive attitude towards their academic studies
  • Participate in College sporting activities other than basketball

Fees and Costs

Students are required to wear the following for all training sessions or classes:

  • Canons Playing Singlet ($40)
  • Canons Playing Shorts ($40)
  • Canons Reversible Singlet ($27)
  • White College Sports Socks ($10)

These are ordered through the Uniform Shop. An order form will be sent out with acceptance into the Specialised Basketball Program.

Accreditation courses:

  • Year 8 BWA Refereeing Course ($40) (subject to change)
  • Year 10 Wheelchair Basketball Course ($50) (subject to change)

For more information about the Blessed Hugh of Fosse Basketball Scholarship, visit Scholarships.

Country Applicants

Accommodation for country students is available nearby at the Rotary Residential College, Victoria Park. A private school bus passes the hostel each day to provide transport to and from the College.

St Norbert College offers a number of Scholarships and State Government grants are available for boarding.

Country students who unable to attend on the trial date, please contact our Specialised Basketball Co-ordinator or Director of Sport.

Program Structure

Year 7

Students receive two hours of training each week conducted before and after school. Students will develop the fundamental skills, understand basic team play, begin developing fitness to enhance their participation in basketball and provide the foundation for their ongoing development. Course components include knowledge on injury awareness and prevention. Students will participate in a Sports Taping Course facilitated by Sports Medicine Australia outlining common injuries in the sport and the best course for support and prevention.

Year 8

Students select the subject Specialised Basketball as an elective in both Semester One and Two. They receive two hours instruction per week during class time, with fundamental skills, techniques and tactics the focus. Students will participate in a Level ‘O’ Score Bench Course and Level ‘O’ Refereeing Course.

Year 9

Students select the subject Specialised Basketball as an elective in both Semester One and Two. They receive two hours instruction per week during class time. Skill, technique, teamwork extension, fitness and strength training introduction are the focus. Knowledge components include injury awareness and prevention. Students will participate in a Sports Taping Course facilitated by Sports Medicine Australia outlining common injuries in the sport and the best course for support and prevention.

Year 10

Students select the subject Specialised Basketball as an elective in both Semester One and Two. They receive four hours instruction per week during class time. Further development of skill, technique, teamwork, fitness and strength training will occur. Students are taught the foundations of biomechanics. This is an excellent introduction to Year 11 and 12 Physical Education. Students also receive Accreditation in Coaching by the Australian Sports Commission.

Years 11 and 12

Students can enrol in Certificate III Sport & Recreation Basketball as part of the Program. This course is designed to provide Specialised Basketball students the opportunity to train and learn about basketball fundamentals and strategies, fitness and recovery, coaching skills and training methods. In addition, students have the opportunity to co-ordinate events for the College and external providers.


Director of Sport: Ryan Godfrey

Playing experience:

  • 250+ SBL and NBL1 West games (Rockingham Flames)
  • Student Athlete at the University of West Georgia 2009-2014
  • U/16, U/18 and U/20 Western Australia State Basketball Team (Leadership group – 2005, 2007 and 2009)
  • Australian Institute of Sport Tour Member 2008-2009
  • U/19 Australian Emus Member 2008-2009

Coaching experience:

  • Level 0 Accredited Coach
  • U/18 boys WABL Championship Head Coach 2018-2020
  • St Norbert College Specialised Basketball Program Head Coach 2016-Present
  • ACC Head Coach 2018-Present
  • U/16 boys Western Australia Metro Assistant Coach

Specialised Basketball Program Co-ordinator: Raya Thompson

Playing experience:

  • 100+ SBL and NBL1 West games (Southwest Slammers and Perth Redbacks)
  • U/16, U/18 and U/20 Western Australia State Basketball Team (Leadership group – 2015- 2017)
  • U/12 – U/18 Western Australia Basketball League

Coaching experience:

  • St Norbert College Specialised Basketball Program Co-ordinator 2024
  • U/18 girls WABL Assistant Coach 2023
  • U/16 girls WABL Assistant Coach 2018
  • U/14 girls WABL Assistant Coach 2017
  • Redhage Basketball Coach 2020-2023

Development Officer: Colin Driscoll


  • Basketball New Zealand Regional Coach and Development Officer
  • High Performance Mentor for coaches and players (New Zealand)
  • Regional Development Officer for multiple associations
  • Basketball Pacific Tour to Australia Director and Head Coach
  • Steven Adams and OKC Camp (New Zealand)
  • USA Impact Camps Assistant Coach (New Zealand)
  • SBL State Championships Assistant Coach 2017
  • U/16 boys WABL State Championships Head Coach
  • Perth Redbacks Induction Day Head Coach
  • Armstrong Academy Head Coach
  • iCollege Academy Head Coach
  • Regent Payatta International School Training Camp Head Coach (Thailand)
  • St Norbert College Specialised Basketball Program Development Officer 2018-Present
  • ACC Assistant Coach 2019-Present
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