Prémontré Library

The primary function of the Prémontré Library is to support the College Mission to ‘foster the growth of our students as whole persons’.

Located in the centre of the College, the Prémontré Library is a welcoming space beyond the classroom where students can access resources and information. It’s the perfect place for students to learn in their own way, whether that be collaboratively with others or independently.

The Prémontré Library is well-resourced and has a generous fiction, including a wide variety of graphic novels. Students are encouraged to recommend and request reading materials that interests them.

With the need for non-fiction print declining, the need for students to be able to sift through the vast amounts of online information and choose what is relevant and useful has increased. The Prémontré Library provides curated e-resources and databases and creates guides to assist students with their subject learning and technology skills. Access to these resources is available 24/7 via the Prémontré Library Portal.

To further assist students, Homework Help is available in the Prémontré Library on Tuesday to Thursday between 3.20pm and 4.00pm.

The Prémontré Library is open Monday to Friday between 8.00am and 4.00pm.

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